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Friday, February 27, 2009

Rayuan kepada Politikus-Politikus Malaysia

Berpolitik yang tidak berkesudahan di Malaysia membuatkan Anas Zubedy mengeluarkan iklan satu halaman penuh di akhbar The Star 26/02/2009(muka surat 37)merayu kepada para pemimpin negara ini supaya mengetepikan perebutan kuasa dan menumpukan perhatian pada keperluan rakyat serta ekonomi.

Anas percaya sebahagian besar rakyat Malaysia juga berkongsi sentimen yang sama.

Sebahagian petikan dalam iklannya:

"Our concern today is not who rules the country or heads the state governments but the looming bad economy."

"Barisan Nasional, please stop any attempts to take over PR states and win over PR’s lawmakers. You have proven your point with Perak. The nation can wait for the next general elections if they want your party. Focus all your talent, energy and hard work in steering the country out of an economic downturn. By doing so, Malaysians will see your party as caring, unselfish and smart and give you their support in the next elections."

"Pakatan Rakyat, please stop your attempts to take over the federal government and persuade BN’s lawmakers to join you. Stop all legal proceedings, no more 916 and let go, just let go. The nation can wait till the next general elections if they want change. By doing so, Malaysians will see your party as caring, unselfish and gracious and give you their support in the next elections."

Untuk artikel penuh iklannya boleh la ke blog anas....klik di sini

Aku juga berkongsi rasa yang sama,Tahniah Anas .

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